Friday, 16 February 2018


It's getting on for three years since I last posted and this will be the final one.  After just over five years as a club archer, I have decided to hang up my bow.

There are a number of reasons why I am stopping now: increased responsibility at work meaning that I have less free time; other interests that are taking up more of my spare time; not making any progress from where I was three years ago.  This all adds up so something had to give and archery was the thing.  This leaves me a more time to spend with my family, too.

I guess my lack of progress started in 2015, when my father was seriously ill and subsequently passed away.  This meant more time being spent at my mother's home 300 miles away and not on the archery field, and I never achieved the same type of scores again. 

This blog will be live for some time yet, but I will be closing my Twitter account @embryonicarcher shortly.

I have had some great times and I send my thanks to the members of The Nonsuch Bowmen for your friendship and support.  I will still be seen at the field, in future, but only as a spectator (or perhaps behind the barbeque).
